How to use a navigation flow after a data flow?

19 May '16, 01:11 AM
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I made a module to check if a user has chosen to be anonymous.

However, when in my IFML diagram, I add a flow to this module (and I use the OK and KO outputs), the OK and KO flows aren't redirecting the user to the correct page (because these are data flows). So, I tried adding a No-Op component between to have a navigation flow again, however I still can only choose a data flow in WebRatio. 

How could I fix this to have a navigation flow again, without losing any of the variables (item ID)?

Thanks for the help!

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I did not understand how you modeled your requirements.
Anyway I can say that the Data Flow has the purpose of passing parameters to components but it does NOT represent a user navigation. The user navigation is represented by a Navigation Flow or by Success and Error Flows. So you must use on of them to redirect the user to the correct page.

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